Tennessee’s DUI Statistics
DUI statistics are always grim. 2017 was no different.
According to a Tennessee Highway Patrol announcement, the THP put extra time, officers and money into ensuring that this holiday travel is safe.
One of the goals for the year was to cut down on drunk driving. Between January 1 and December 24, 2017, THP officials arrested 7,323 people for driving under the influence, which was 476 fewer arrests than in 2016.
Tennessee drunk driving statistics
While the national numbers for drunk driving traffic fatalities have increased over last year, Tennessee saw a decrease in the number of drunk driving deaths in 2016 when there were 223 traffic fatalities from alcohol impairment, which was 21% of the total number of traffic deaths statewide according to MADD.
The “Sober Up TN” program
In 2018, the THP has initiated the “Sober Up TN” program into effect. The state was awarded $600,000 in grant money to implement the program, which has four key goals:
- Increasing the number of sobriety checkpoints;
- Enforcing DUI and alcohol-related offenses;
- Reducing fatalities where alcohol was indicated as a contributing factor;
- Facilitating community meetings to solicit citizen attendance and input and involve local agencies, District Attorney Generals, school and court officials and associated stakeholders.
Because of these measures, anyone charged with drunk or drugged driving will face more challenges when it comes to fighting the charges. Hiring a skilled DUI defense lawyer will be necessary to keep your license and your clean driving record intact.
How can a lawyer help you fight charges of DUI?
If you are facing DUI charges, you need an attorney to help you. The laws have changed in Tennessee quite a bit over the last couple of years, and having a professional who is familiar with those changes can mean the difference between winning and losing your case.
One important change is with blood tests for alcohol or drugs conducted by the TBI. A Tennessee appellate court determined that they were unconstitutional. The Tennessee Supreme Court will now decide that issue.
If charged with a DUI, your attorney will examine the police report, any video evidence available (such as from dash cams, speed cameras or videos, if available), and determine if your stop was legal, and if the tests were administered correctly and with functioning equipment. We may be able to have some of the “evidence” against you thrown out entirely, which will impact the case against you.
At the Law Office of Perry A. Craft, PLLC, we fight for justice for our clients. If you’ve been charged with a DUI in or around Nashville, you want a lawyer who can fight on your behalf. To schedule a consultation with attorney Perry A. Craft, please call 615-953-3808 or fill out our contact form.
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Perry A. Craft has dedicated his life to helping people in need. He has tried, settled, or resolved numerous civil and criminal cases in State and Federal courts, and has represented teachers and administrators before school boards, administrative judges, and the state Board of Education. Learn more about Attorney Craft.