Following the “Bonnaroovian Code” Can Help Keep You Safe This Year

Following the “Bonnaroovian Code” Can Help Keep You Safe This Year

The newest line-up for Bonnaroo is offering some well-known acts. Almost 90,000 people attend the Bonnaroo music festival each year, which means that law enforcement officials in Manchester, Tennessee, Coffee County, and in the surrounding areas are gearing up for it. We have offered some helpful information in the past to ensure that you can stay safe at this year’s summer music festivals, but it seems that previous attendees of the concert have some tips of their own.

Called the “Bonnaroovian Code,” these six “rules” apply to keeping you on the right side of the law, too.

  1. Prepare thy self. The festival founders want you to keep hydrated and bring proper attire, and it is good advice. From a legal standpoint, though, preparation takes more than that. Have a designated driver or line up a cab or Uber. The festival is also the South’s largest beer festival. If you are of legal age and plan on drinking at Bonnaroo, make sure you have a safe way to travel. Tennessee’s DUI laws are strict and unforgiving.
  2. Play as a team. The ‘Roo defines this as keeping an eye out for your friends. Make sure that you know where your crowd is at all times, and they know where you are. Use your phones or tablets to check in regularly if you plan on visiting different events.
  3. Radiate positivity. The website says that happiness is a goal of the festival, and wants you to have a positive attitude. More practically, you want to avoid aggressive encounters with the police, other patrons or vendors. There will be 90,000 other people who are hungry, thirsty and in need of a restroom, just like you. Tempers are bound to flare a little. Stay calm and collected, and avoid the temptation to lash out verbally or physically. Assault charges can land you in jail or prison in Tennessee.
  4. Respect the farm. Clean up after yourself no matter where you are. Be aware of your surroundings at all times; tripping and falling in the music venues can cause you to be crushed or trampled, and it is easy to slip on spilled beer or wet flooring.
  5. Don’t be that guy/gal. What looks like a friendly bit of advice – don’t ruin anyone’s mood – may get you in trouble if you are not smart. Stay away from illegal drugs, and do not make any alcohol purchases for anyone but yourself. If you see something dangerous occurring – a person being hurt, or someone carrying an illegal weapon, for example – it is not a “vibe killer” to inform the local police. You could save lives this way. Whatever you do, do not attempt to engage the person.
  6. Stay Roo true. The festival last for four days, but as the code says, “the rest of your life is forever.” Do not post anything to social media you would be unable to explain easily and comfortably to the police, your mother or a potential employer. Criminal charges and convictions can follow you for the rest of your life.

In the end, making smart decisions about yourself and your involvement in the festival can keep you safe. If you are arrested at Bonnaroo, you will need a skilled Tennessee criminal defense lawyer to help you. The Law Office of Perry A. Craft, PLLC, assists Tennessee visitors and residents alike after they have gotten into some trouble at the concert. Please contact us to make an appointment with an experienced Nashville criminal defense attorney if you need help.