Answering Interrogatories

Answering InterrogatoriesIn the United States, parties in civil lawsuits are entitled to learn the facts and to review the documents in a dispute.  One method by which relevant information is learned is answers to interrogatories.

Interrogatories are written questions posed to you by the opposing side. You generally receive them through your own attorney.  You cannot answer interrogatories orally; you have to send the other party your written answers. Your answers to the other side’s interrogatories must state the relevant information accurately.  So, lawyers read the questions (interrogatories) and ask the parties to answer them carefully.  You must answer all the questions, not just the questions that you like. So, include the details you know in your answers, and state the facts as they are.

You should answer the other party’s interrogatories in a timely manner. Do not procrastinate.  Moreover, you generally have thirty days to reply to the other party’s interrogatories and send the other side your written answers to their interrogatories.

Remember: Keep copies of your written and signed answers to the other party’s interrogatories for your own records. You do not want to lose or misplace them; merely misplacing or outright losing your answers to the opposing party’s interrogatories would harm your side of the case significantly.

If you have questions and/or concerns about interrogatories and/or answering interrogatories, talk to a lawyer. To learn more, to have your questions answered, and to have your concerns addressed, contact Nashville Attorney Perry A. Craft.